Director's Information
Divison - International Partnership on Teacher Education
- Liaise with relevant internal partners on matters of collaboration and development of Teacher Education
- Engage in joint research projects on global emerging issues on Teacher Education that will strengthen the capacity of our Colleges
- Identify and collaborate with international partners in the provision of technical support, capacity building and study fellowships for teacher educators in the Colleges and staff of the Commission
- Identify, collate and make available to Colleges relevant international documentation and learning resource materials on Teacher Education
- Encourage and provide a linkage between the Colleges and international partners on Teacher Education issues that will enhance the teaching/learning activities in the Colleges
- Monitor, evaluate and regularly keep track of the Commission’s partnership with International agencies.
- Interact, discuss and exchange views with international partners on challenges facing Teacher Education at the sub-degree level.
Divison - Library and Information Services
- Take charge of the Commission’s Library and Documentation Centre;
- Coordinate the library development in NCE Awarding Institutions through meeting the following library objectives:
- Ensuring that its collections and services are designed to meet the objectives and information requirements of NCE Awarding Institutions;
- Ensuring that resources and facilities provided by NCE Awarding Institutions are maximally used through proper organization and dissemination;
- Giving qualitative reference and information services for study, teaching and research needs in the NCE Awarding Institutions; and
- Evaluating from time to time the success of the libraries in NCE Awarding Institutions in meeting the library and information needs of its users, and
- Coordinate International Book Aids with International and Non-Governmental Organizations.
Divison - Induction and Internship
- Monitor compliance with the provisions in the NCE Minimum Standards and Pre-Service Teacher Standards with respect to:
- Micro Teaching
- Teaching Practice
- Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
- Acculturation
- Serve as linkage between NCCE and NCE awarding Institutions on matters relating to SIWES, Acculturation and Teaching Practice; and
- Coordinate all activities leading to successful SIWES, Acculturation and Teaching Practice.
Divison - Programme Support Services
- Monitor and support the activities of Quality Assurance units in the institutions;
- Build capacity of Quality Assurance units and potential assessors/ accreditors;
- Support institutions in the development of additional evaluations instruments to support implementation of the Accreditation Toolkit;
- Lay down and review regularly approved methods of assessment of staff and students;
- Identify capacity gaps in all categories of staff and recommend training needs and programmes for staffers;
- Document the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
- Follow up on the implementation of External Quality Assurance recommendations, and
- Distribute Minimum Standards to all NCE Awarding Institutions
Divison - Early Grade Reading
- Provide Teacher Education Institutions with appropriate guidelines for the establishment of Early Grade Reading Resource Centres and regular monitoring of the functionality of the Centres
- Ensure literacy promotion as an integral part of teacher preparation programmes in line with the provision in National Teacher Education Policy (NTEP).
- Collaborate with Colleges in ensuring that teacher educators and pre-service teachers have sufficient mastery of academic content disciplines, pedagogy principles and their applications, including enhanced capacity to respond to learners with special needs
- Ensure effective implementation of the ECCE and Primary Education curriculum contents which includes teaching and learning of language of the immediate environment and acquisition of basic reading skills and methodologies for pedagogical practices at the lower primary classes;
- Taking charge of the Commission’s Model Early Grade Reading Resource Centre Mini-Library and documentation section; and
- Coordinating the library development in the colleges of education in relation to the pre-service Early Grade Reading materials
- Facilitate the implementation of collaborative projects between NCCE and International Development Partners such as USAID, ULS, DFiD, UNICEF, UNESCO among others towards improved outcomes of teacher performance and children learning.